Kamis, 14 Juni 2012


  1. Set up a cone in the middle of a safe area of tarmac. Drive up to the cone and rip the handbrake in an attempt to do a 180 degree handbrake turn. Practice this until you are no more, and no less than 180 degrees from when you started.

  2. Learn how to counter-steer by ripping the handbrake from a speed of 30-40mph (anything less will cause an inadequate amount of momentum to get you around the cone) and trying to control the car to a destination until the car stops.
  3. Increase speed of each of these things until you are comfortable
  4. Try to do the 180 cone too.

Drifting with Rear Wheel Drive and Manual Transmission

  1. Find a car with both rear-wheel-drive and a manual transmission. Ideally it should be a sports car with as close to a 50/50 ratio as possible, and enough power to keep the tires spinning is ideal.
  2. Head to an open area (i.e. an enclosed racetrack) safely free of pedestrians and motorists and police!

Hand brake technique

  1. Accelerate and shift into a gear with room to rev. Second gear is generally used because it allows the widest variance of speed and is best for harnessing the engine's torque.
  2. Push in the clutch.
  3. Flick the steering wheel to the inside of the turn as if you were going to turn around it. While simultaneously pulling the hand brake.
  4. Immediately put some pressure on the gas pedal, let out the clutch, and steer the car in the direction of the slide, using throttle to control the angle of the drift.
  5. More Throttle will make the car turn more, and also move the car away from the turn center.
  6. Less throttle will reduce angle, and allow the car to move towards the inside of the turn more freely.
  7. You're drifting!

Clutch Kick technique

  1. Used while you are already moving to increase angle and/or revive wheel spin.
  2. While you are drifting, you may feel the car begin to lose its drift angle and power. If this happens, you can kick the clutch to attempt to revive to tires spinning speed. This is similar to powershifting, and you are in essence trying to 'chirp' the tires again and again.
  3. Enter a drift.
  4. while you still have the power put on, kick the clutch pedal in and out a few times as fast as you can until the car is drifting again.
  5. end with your foot off of the pedal.
  6. continue the drift, and when you feel the car begin to lose angle/power try to clutch kick again.

Drifting with Rear Wheel Drive Auto

  1. Find a large, open area.
  2. Accelerate to a speed of 20-30(depending on lot size and room)
  3. If possible, lock the transmission into a low gear to provide maximum torque
  4. Turn the wheel hard and floor it. You should feel the rear end slide around if this is done correctly. Only use full throttle to start the drift, after this you should use proper throttle control to continue through the corner.

Preparing to Drift with a Front Wheel Drive Car

  1. Go to a large, open area.
  2. Pull the handbrake or use the parking brake, riding it out the first time or two to get over your initial fear.
  3. Set up a cone in the middle of the lot.
  4. Drive up to it at speed (between 20 and 30 is desired).
  5. Pull the hand brake and turn toward the cone. Immediately after you feel the back end come around, turn to the opposite direction. This is known as opposite lock.
  6. Repeat the opposite lock at that speed until you can control your car well. Practice this for at least several weeks regularly until it becomes second nature. (Don't do this on roadways. It is dangerous to others and can get you fined.)
  7. Slowly increase speed until you are proficient in a speed you are comfortable with. Get to know that speed--you should never drift above that speed unless you are practicing.
  8. Upgrade. At the same initial speed, flick the steering wheel opposite of the turn and swing it all the way into toward the CONE (not turn, you aren't ready at this stage). As before, when you feel the rear end come around, go to opposite lock.

Drifting with a Front Wheel Drive Car

  1. Approach a turn at a comfortable speed, preferably in mid 2nd gear.
  2. Pull the handbrake while turning into the corner, try not to lock the rear wheels.
  3. You should still have the power on, try not to go less than 1/2 throttle at any time during the drift.
  4. When you feel the car start to understeer, and lose angle, pull the ebrake harder.
  5. When the car seems to turn too much, give it progressively more throttle, and release the handbrake some.
  6. Don't tense up, just feel it.

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